Gomes, A. and Vertegaal, R. PaperFold: A Shape Changing Mobile Device with Multiple Reconfigurable Electrophoretic Magnetic Display Tiles. In Extended Abstracts of ACM CHI’14 Conference on Human Factors in Computing. ACM Press, 2014. [PDF]

Strohmeier, P. Kamphof, I. Mediated Touch: Exploring embodied design for remote presence, Proceedings of the 15th Internation Conference on Presence. Fecultas/Vienna University Press, 2014.

Holman, D., Fellion, N., and Vertegaal, R. Sensing Touch Using Resistive Graphs. In Proceedings of ACM DIS'14 Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, ACM Press, 2014. [PDF]

Gomes, A., Strohmeier, P., and Vertegaal, R. Next Steps in OUIs: Crafting Interactions with Deformable and Actuated Display Surfaces.  Workshop ACM ACE ’14 Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology. [PDF]

Abramsky, L., Gomes, A., Strohmeier, P., and Vertegaal, R. GoonQuad: an Emotive Quadruped for Exploring Human-Robot Interaction. In Proceedings of ACM ACE ’14 Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology. ACM Press, 2014, Article 56. [PDF]

Cheng, B., Gomes, A., Strohmeier, P., and Vertegaal, R. Mood Fern: Exploring Shape Transformations in Reactive Environments. In Proceedings of ACM ACE ’14 Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology. ACM Press, 2014, Article 60. [PDF]